Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It seems like very few of the games I get nowadays do much for me. I don't know what's missing. It might be me, I'll admit. I don't really care much for most first person shooter style games. The content bores me in most of these games, with few exceptions.

Borderlands is one of these exceptions. I just got it yesterday. Then I played it for the next 6 hours. Wow!

One of the things that appeals to me the most about it is that it seems to be a Firefly/Serenity type setting. You're on a planet, one of those dust-bowl type worlds that they are frequently seen stopping on in the Firefly setting.

The artwork is fantastic. A blend of comic book and cartoon, tending closer to the graphic novel.

I was constantly blown away by how smooth it was. I was running it on a dual-core 1.86 mhz machine with only 2gb of ram (so... NOT a beast), and it ran like a bat out of hell.

The characters each have their own skill trees, and I was playing the girl character who can step into another dimension where she goes really fast, and can move around the battlefield quickly. When she is in that other form she can get skill builds that affect the real world, and do damage when she comes back to the real worlds, etc. etc. 

Anyhoo, a big thumbs up, Borderlands is lovely, get some on you.

1 comment:

  1. The game looks awesome! If I ever get my computer out of the stone age, I may have to cheeck into it.
